A metal filtering pressure table is arranged in the furnace, which is used for separating air water and coke tar and replaces a split type separating device on the outer of the furnace. 炉内设有金属过滤压盘,进行气水、焦油的分离。替代炉外分体分离装置。
Biomass pressure gasification has the virtues of greater production, higher efficiency, less tar formation and can supply higher pressure gas for subsequently power generation or synthesis than general biomass gasification. 加压气化具有生产能力大、效率高,可降低单位投资成本,减少焦油的产生,有利于后续发电及合成工艺等诸多优点。
The main parameters of viscosity, spinning temperature, pressure and winding velocity for coal tar pitch fluid should be rigidly controlled during spinning. 在纺丝过程中,要严格控制煤沥青熔体的粘度、纺丝温度、压力、卷绕速度等主要参数。
The installation takes reduced pressure tar as raw-material to produce gas, petrol, diesel oil, wax oil, and coke. 本装置以减压渣油为原料,生产气体、汽油、柴油、蜡油与焦炭。
The process flow and production practice of air-distillation and reduced-pressure distillation for tar in Jigang coking plant are introduced. 介绍了济钢焦化厂焦油常、减压蒸馏的工艺流程、生产实践。
A research discussion was made on the briquetting pressure, ratio of anthracite coal, lean coal and coke powder, quantity of residuum of modified coal tar oil, coal particle size and other main influenced factors. The paper set up the optimized technique conditions. 对成型压力、无烟煤、瘦煤和焦粉的配合比、改性焦油洗油残渣用量和煤料粒度等主要影响因素进行了探讨,确定了最佳工艺条件。
The dynamic pressure and turbulent kinetic energy contours showed that a strong turbulent zone was formed by tar particles carrying with gas stream impacted detergent droplet, which promoted purification efficiency of tar. 由等动压与湍流动能分布云图得出:燃气流携带焦油颗粒冲击碰撞洗涤剂液滴形成强烈的湍流区,促进了焦油的净化,但也是造成文丘里洗涤器压力损耗的主要区域。